Friday, November 28, 2008


Thanksgiving week. This is where it all began in 1999, where it all changed in 2000, and where it all has started anew here in 2008.

Back in November, 1999 I sighed a deep breath and let go the butterflies as I packed up and moved north permanently from Phoenix to be with a girl I had met just one month earlier in Denver on a business trip. I considered abandoning these plans several times, but for the first time in my life I decided to buck up, to not be afraid of fate, and stick with my promises.

We didn't last long, but long enough for her to become pregnant. November 2000 and he was born, forever to change my life for the better. It wasn't easy, though. His mom and I fought like cats and dogs, battled in and out of court, until finally I "won" (everybody loses in these messes when children are involved) and she moved out-of-state to Phoenix of all places.

November 2008 brings up back around full-circle. I made the offer for her to come back and try us again. Nine years older, nine years more mature, and nine years wiser-- hopefully on both sides. So she is here for a few days and spending the nights with me. So far, so good and the boy couldn't be happier. You can just tell by the little extra spring in his step, the twinkle in his eyes.

I'm hopeful that we can get over ourselves this time and have it work. I guess we'll see.

Happy Thanksgiving.



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